Coordination, form 3 biology, topic 3, Dr. Mlelwa

Coordination is the working together of the various organs of an organism in a systematic manner so as to produce a proper response to the stimuli. Without coordination the body becomes disorderly and it may fail to function properly.

Advanced 0(0 Ratings) 4 Students enrolled English-and-swahili
Created by Dr. Mlelwa
Last updated Mon, 27-Nov-2023
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Course overview
The coordination in simple multicellular animals takes place through nervous system only. The control and coordination in higher animals called vertebrates (including human beings) takes place through nervous system as well as hormonal system called endocrinesystem. Coordination in plants is under the control of hormones.
All the living organisms (plants and animals) respond and react to changes in the environment around them. The changes in the environment to which the organisms respond and react are called stimuli (singular: stimulus). The living organisms show response to stimuli such as light, heat, cold, sound, smell, taste, touch, pressure, pain,water, and force of gravity, etc. The ability to perceive, interpret and respond to stimuli is called irritability or sensitivity.
There are two types of stimuli: external and internal. External stimuli are associated with the surrounding environment such as wind temperature, light, pressure, touch, water and gravity. Internal stimuli occur within the organism, for example, a decrease or an increase in the amount of water and glucose in the blood.
When an organism detects a stimulus, it initiates a response. A response is a behavioural,physiological or muscular activity initiated by a stimulus. For example, if a man touches a very hot utensil accidentally, he quickly pulls his hand away from the hot utensil. Here,heat is the stimulus and the man reacts (responds) by moving his hand away from the hot utensil. Similarly, when the sun is bright, we close our eyes. In this case, light is the stimulus and we react by closing our eyes. Likewise, when the amount of water in the blood drops, the pituitary gland secretes an anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) which stimulates the reabsorption of water in the kidneys.

What will i learn?

  • In this topic you will learn about concept of coordination, nervous coordination in humans, sense organs, drugs and drug abuse in relation to nervous coordination, and coordination in plants.
  • silent room for studying, biology book or good notes, pen, pencil, exercise book
Curriculum for this course
24 Lessons 06:29:35 Hours
Neural coordination in animals
18 Lessons 04:42:11 Hours
  • Concept of coordination
    Preview 00:15:40
  • Components of coordination system
  • What is neuron?
  • Structure of a neurone and synapse
  • Types of neurons
  • The central nervous system
  • Division of the brain
  • The spinal cord
  • Peripheral nervous system
  • Conduction of nerve impulse
  • Reflex action and reflex arc
  • Sense organs
  • The ear
  • The eye
  • Accomodation of the eye
  • Disorders of the eye
  • Skin as the sense organ
  • The tongue and nose
Drugs and drug abuse
2 Lessons 00:34:40 Hours
  • Concept of drug
  • Drug abuse
Hormonal coordination
2 Lessons 00:37:26 Hours
  • Hormonal coordination
  • Disorders of endocrine system
Coordination in plants
2 Lessons 00:35:18 Hours
  • Phototropisms
  • Phytohormones
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About instructor

Dr. Mlelwa

Dr. Mlelwa is an experienced online tutor in biology and chemistry from ordinary level to advanced level. His highest level of education is two years of doctor of medicine (MD) at Muhimbili university of Health and allied science in from Nov 2018 to Sept 2020. There after he failed to continue with Doctor of Medicine Studies due to several reasons which are out of scope of this description. He started online teaching since January 2020 in his YouTube channel (Dr.Mlelwa Lectures) by that time he was still a medical student dreaming to become one among the best tutor in medical studies, that's why he called the channel Dr. Mlelwa Lectures, comparing to Dr. Najeeb Lectures who was one of his role mode. His good performance, being the second best boy in advanced biology examinations national wise in 2018, made him one among most interesting online tutor, having influence to different students inside Tanzania as well as abroad.

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